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Foundry Materials and Functional ResinsSand products for casting

HexaPass® Low Odor Resin Coated Sand (RCS)

Introduction of the HexaPass®, a brand-new RCS that reduces odor generated in the casting process

Low Tar Resin Coated Sand (RCS)

Introducing the low tar RCS, slashing tar generation from the casting process

Fruity RCS®

Introducing the Fruity RCS®, a low odor RCS for improving odor conditions at the time of shell mold forming

Super AV Sand

Introducing the Super AV Sand, an RCS product that excels in the disintegration property designed for general aluminum casting

RCS Preheater

Introducing the RCS preheater, helping to improve the quality of cores by controlling RCS temperature and moisture content

Reclaimed Sand

Introducing reclaimed sand prepared by recycling coal fired sand emitted through the fluidized roasting and polishing processes.

Special Aggregate RCS

Introducing the special aggregate RCS with minor thermal deformation or dimensional changes