Registered Trademarks

Family name (Series name)

Resins, derivatives

Registration No. 4577711

AV Lite products are resins used for casting, housing and construction, industrial applications, and electronic materials, and derivatives used for electronic materials.
Certificate of trademark registration(2.16MB)

Molding materials

Registration No. 4600962

AV Coated Sand is a range of RCS products for casting developed by ASAHI YUKIZAI. HexaPass™ is part of this range.
Certificate of trademark registration(1.32MB)

Functional resins (used for housing and construction)

Registration No. 4895686 (Types 1, 17 and 19)
Registration No. 5267345 (Type 37)

Zero-Freon is a spray-on stiff urethane foam for building insulation that offers the same performance as conventional products but without using fluorocarbons as a foaming agent.
Certificate of trademark registration [Registration No. 4895686](12.02MB)
Certificate of trademark registration [Registration No. 5267345](13.92MB)

Pet name (Product name)

Molding materials

Registration No. 5302777

OctPass is a shell molding resin/RCS that balances and resolves (= PASSes) the eight (=OCT) conflicting characteristics of high strength, high sand elimination, high heat resistance, low tar generation, low expansion, high filling property, heat shock resistance and low odor level.
Certificate of trademark registration(13.56MB)

Registration No. 5522394

HexaPass is a shell molding RCS that significantly reduces odor and smoke levels by utilizing a hardening mechanism that does not rely on hexamine, a substance that produces a foul odor.
Certificate of trademark registration(14.78MB)

Functional resins (used for housing and construction)

Registration No. 5512441

AGSR is a urethane- and silica-based injection agent used during tunnel excavation to harden and stabilize natural ground and suppress spring water, and to fill and repair cavities in existing tunnels.
Certificate of trademark registration(13.83MB)