Customer Feedback

Evolving Together to Remain One of a Kind

Naoki Suzuki, President, AIZU FACTORY Co., Ltd.

Using its original H Process Method, for over 30 years now AIZU FACTORY Co., Ltd. has been supplying high quality cast-metal products, mainly automobile parts, with short delivery times. It was ASAHI YUKIZAI sand products for casting that encouraged them to adopt the H Process Method. In 2019 they brought a new factory into operation that uses only new products. AIZU FACTORY is targeting not just the domestic market; they also aim to expand overseas. We are providing them with support in areas such as products and services. President Naoki Suzuki spoke to us about the ASAHI YUKIZAI sand products for casting that are essential to make products using the H Process Method.

Differentiating Ourselves from Our Competitors with ASAHI YUKIZAI

It was in 1982 that we started research aimed at the introduction of the H Process Method (hereafter referred to as the H Process). We were looking for a way to differentiate ourselves from rival foundries, and decided to focus on the mass production of high precision cast-metal items. As our research proceeded, it became clear that resin-coated sand (RCS) was essential for the resin hardened by heat in the H Process. By its very nature, mold manufacturing requires sand, and we were already using ASAHI YUKIZAI sand products for casting. When we used their RCS in the H Process test stage, we successfully created molds that were the exact way we wanted them to be. From that point onwards, we and ASAHI YUKIZAI carried out joint research into the H Process.
As a result, in 1983 we established a mold production system utilizing the H Process, and we still use ASAHI YUKIZAI RCS to this day. Since then we have produced a series of technical innovations that enable us to manufacture even higher precision molded items, and in response ASAHI YUKIZAI has constantly improved its RCS as well. Before we adopted the H Process, ASAHI YUKIZAI was just one of the companies that supplied us with sand. Now, however, 99% of the sand we use is ASAHI YUKIZAI RCS. From a managerial point of view, it would better to have a range of sand suppliers, but our production site staff insist that if we want to maintain the quality of our cast metal, we can’t use any sand other than ASAHI YUKIZAI RCS.

Cast-metal items manufactured with the H Process. This method makes it possible to simultaneously mass-produce precision castings with very little variation in quality

HexaPass™ Low Odor RCS Solved an Important Issue

We built a new factory, our Nango Factory, in 2019 to cope with the increasing number of orders. ASAHI YUKIZAI’s HexaPass™ Low Odor RCS (hereafter referred to as HexaPass™) played an important role in the construction of our new factory. Conventional sand emits a strong odor during the casting process, so we couldn’t build a foundry near a residential area. Having said that, it isn’t practical to build a factory in the middle of nowhere when you take into consideration factors such as procuring materials, shipping products, and the commute for our workforce. So the construction of our new factory was an important issue for us.
As soon as you step into the factory, you can tell just how good HexaPass™ is at preventing that strong odor. Making HexaPass™ the only sand we use at the new factory enabled us to build it near a residential area. The performance of the sand has a tremendous impact on the quality of the cast metal. It would be a huge mistake to lower the quality of the casting for the sake of getting rid of the strong odor. In 2017, we started full-scale tests aimed at the adoption of HexaPass™ and its performance now is quite equal to that of conventional RCS. During 2020 we will switch to using HexaPass™ at all our factories, including the new one.

The Nango Factory production line where HexaPass™ is used throughout. Odor and fumes are dramatically reduced

ASAHI YUKIZAI Will Be a Powerful Partner in Our Expansion Overseas

I am glad to say that our cast-metal products are very highly regarded, and we expect orders to continue to increase. However, at the moment we only have manufacturing bases in Japan even though automobile manufacturers, who are our principal clients, are shifting their production overseas. From the BCP perspective as well, we would like to set up overseas manufacturing bases in the near future to meet the local procurement needs of automobile manufacturers. ASAHI YUKIZAI already has a global presence, and I’m sure that they will be of tremendous assistance to us in that as well.
Other companies simply cannot match ASAHI YUKIZAI, not just in terms of the quality of their products but also the solutions they can offer for our issues and the services they provide in their swift response to our requests. The reason we can demonstrate technological prowess that makes us one of a kind, unmatched in the world, is that we and ASAHI YUKIZAI are evolving together. I fully expect ASAHI YUKIZAI to be an indispensable partner in our future progress.

Customer data

AIZU FACTORY Co., Ltd.Headquarters: Tadamimachi, Minamiaizu-gun, Fukushima Prefecture / President: Naoki Suzuki

Developed the H Process for high-precision casting, and succeeded in mass production using this manufacturing method. Constantly tackles the challenges of shorter delivery times and quality, and supplies cast-metal products in a class of their own, principally to automobile manufacturers. Selected by METI as a “regional powerhouse” in 2017. Won the Gold Prize in the 4th Fukushima Business, Industry and Manufacturing Awards in 2018.