Management Policy on Environment and Safety
We have established the management policy regarding the environment and safety, and under this policy, we have set targets for each component of the environment and safety, and all of our employees are striving together to achieve the targets.
ASAHI YUKIZAI Group conducts business with safety as the top priority, and is strongly aware of its corporate responsibility to preserve the irreplaceable global environment for people, and actively and continuously practices corporate activities considering the environment, safety, and health, including the development, manufacture, supply, and waste disposal of products in the Valve & Piping Systems Divisions and the Resin Divisions, as well as the Water Treatment & Natural Resources Development Divisions.
1. Promotion of Environmental Preservation Activities
We are committed to contributing to environmental conservation through all business activitiesrelated to our products and services.
2. Promotion of Safety and Health Activities
We aim to prevent occupational accidents through safety education, equipment safety, and health
3. Maintenance and Promotion of Health
We strive to create a comfortable work environment and to maintain and promote good health among our
4. Promotion of Safety and Disaster Prevention Activities
We are dedicated to maintaining stable operations and enhancing safety and disaster prevention
measures to protect our employees and the local communities.
5. Ensuring Product Safety
We commit to ensuring product safety by improving technology and conducting thorough product
management at all stages, from development to disposal.
6. Compliance with Laws and Commitments
We will thoroughly understand the laws, regulations, and internal rules related to environmental and safety management, and comply with them.
Internal promotion system for environmental and safety
Our Group oversees environmental and safety activities under the supervision of the General Manager of the Environment and Safety Management Office.

*) Organization names are as of September 2024.
Key issues related to the environment and safety
Under the “Environment and Safety Management Policy,” our Group has set the following key issues, and we are endeavoring to achieve the environment and safety targets we have set for each of these key issues.
Items |
Key issues |
Environmental conservation |
(i) Commitment to zero emissions and a circular economy (ii) Commitment to carbon neutrality (iii) Reduction of the transfer and emissions of environmentally hazardous chemical substances
(iv) Effective use of water resources (v) Promotion of community contribution activities
Chemical substances |
(i) Appropriate management of hazardous chemical substances in production activities
(ii) Reduction of the environmental impact by chemical substances
(iii) Reduction or total abolition of hazardous chemical substances contained in products, etc.
Safety, hygiene, and health |
(i) Promotion of 5S activities (organization, good order, cleaning, cleanliness, discipline)
(ii) Pursuit of intrinsic safety for equipment and machinery through risk assessment
(iii) Implementation of voluntary safety activities through the initiative of managers and supervisors
(iv) Daily safety activities “education, HHK (near-miss concern), KYT (Hazard prediction training)” (v) Promotion of health maintenance and improvement through the health management promotion project
Security and disaster prevention |
(i) Improvement of the level of security and disaster prevention management to maintain stable operations
(ii) Infectious disease countermeasures
(iii) Implementation of effective on-site training for emergencies