Dividend Policy
We recognize the distribution of profits as one of the most important matters for a company. Our basic
policy is to comprehensively consider such aspects as performance trends, financial characteristics,
securing the necessary internal reserves for investments in our future, and to aim to guarantee stable
dividends while also increasing dividends by achieving the continual expansion of our revenue. Our
articles of incorporation state our intention to pay interim dividends, and we perform a dividend of
surplus twice a year: the interim dividend and the year-end dividend. The interim dividend is decided by
the board of directors and the year-end dividend by the general meeting of shareholders.
Taking into consideration the internal reserves required for future business expansion, and the fact
that the consolidated business performance for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 was better than
forecast in terms of profits, it has been decided to pay a year-end dividend of 35 yen per share, an
increase of 10 yen from the previous forecast of 25 yen per share. With this, the dividend for the year
is 60 yen per share, an increase of 10 yen. This matter was on the agenda at the 101st Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders held on June 24, 2022.
Dividend amounts and trends