The Asahi Yukizai Group (Asahi Yukizai Corporation and its subsidiaries) upholds "Respect for Human Rights" in our Code of Conduct, which serves as the cornerstone of our corporate philosophy. Based on this corporate philosophy, this policy clarifies our basic policy regarding respect for human rights.
By implementing this policy, we hope to contribute to realization of a sustainable society where human rights are respected.
Basic Concept
We support and respect internationally recognized human rights norms such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, while promoting initiatives to respect human rights in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions where we operate, and we will endeavor to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights in the event of a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the national/regional laws and regulations.
Scope of Application
This policy applies to our all executives and employees (including temporary employees).
We also encourage our business partners, including customers and suppliers, to respect human rights in compliance with this policy.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We intend to establish a human rights due diligence mechanism based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, by which we identify adverse human rights impacts on society and work to prevent or mitigate them.
Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders
We pursue dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders regarding the impact of our business activities on human rights.
Education and Training
We pledge to provide appropriate education and training to our officers and employees to ensure that this policy is understood and effectively implemented.
Remedies and Corrections
If we identify that our business activities have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, we shall take appropriate measures to correct and remedy the situation.
Disclosure of Information
We shall report on our efforts to respect human rights based on this policy on our website and other media.
(Approved by the Board of Directors of Asahi Yukizai Corporation on July 31st, 2023)