1)Commitment to safety and health activities
Policy on safety and health activities
ASAHI YUKIZAI Group, where we work, will prioritize safety in thinking and actions and build a workplace environment where we can work lively in good physical and mental health and with peace of mind.
2)Workplace accidents
Number of workplace accidents in the Group
The number of workplace accidents in FY2023 increased to 12 across the entire Group, compared to 11 in the previous year, but the number of accidents resulting in lost-time injury (LTI) decreased to 4, compared to 6 in the previous year. As a result, the frequency rate of LTI decreased to 0.91 in the entire Group, compared to 1.45 in the previous year. However, when compared to the average for the plastic manufacturing industry, the figure is large, so we are prioritizing safety in our thinking and actions, including improving this situation. As key activities, based on the four perspectives, “Mental and physical health development,” “Safe human development,” “Safe workplace development,” and “Comfortable work environment development,” we are striving to prevent workplace accidents by implementing specific safety activities, including “Maintain and promote both physical and mental health through the integration of employees and the company,” “Promote communication for safety,” “Achieve inherent safety through 5S, risk assessment and equipment improvement,” and “Actively improve the workplace environment through the efforts of everyone.”
In addition, we are continuing our efforts to create a culture of safety through daily safety activities, such as conducting safety patrols at all domestic manufacturing factories in fiscal 2023, as we did last year.
Actual value |
FY2019 |
FY2020 |
FY2021 |
FY2022 |
FY2023 |
Number of lost-time injuries |
1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Group companies |
5 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 4 |
Consolidated total |
6 | 1 | 6 | 6 | 4 |
Number of no lost-time injuries |
2 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 4 |
Group companies |
3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Consolidated total |
5 | 6 | 3 | 5 | 8 |
Frequency rate of LTI |
0.61 | 0.60 | 1.75 | 0.54 | 0.51 |
Group companies |
1.27 |
0.26 |
1.55 |
1.45 |
0.91 |
* (Reference) Average for all plastic
manufacturing industries |
(0.32) |
(0.31) |
(0.31) |
(0.08) |
(0.15) |
Frequency rate of all injuries |
1.82 |
2.38 |
1.75 |
2.72 |
2.06 |
Consolidated total |
2.79 |
1.81 |
2.32 |
2.65 |
2.74 |
*) The average frequency rate of LTI in the plastic manufacturing industry is based on a survey of the period from January to December each year.
Source: Survey on Trends in Occupational Accidents (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
ASAHI YUKIZAI's data is based on fiscal years (e.g. FY2023: from April 2023 to March 2024).
National Safety and Health Convention
In April 2024, the 19th National Safety and Health Convention was held with the keyword “Take measures from the stage of concern” as the main venue in Aichi, with Tokyo, Nobeoka, Tochigi, and Hiroshima connected via a web conference system.
In particular, while considering “safety” and “health” to be the two wheels of the cart, in order to promote the health of each individual's mind and body, we shared the idea with the managers that we should have a strong “awareness of concern” and take measures by steps from preventing recurrence and then preventing the occurrence of other accidents. The key to this is “communication through smiling,” and we had outside lecturers give a special lecture on how to put this into practice. One was a lecture by Ms. Nozomi Nagamatsu, a public health nurse in charge of the Health Management Project, on “Health Management in the Workplace”, and the other was a lecture by Mr. Yoshiji Kato of Morokami Occupational Health and Safety Consultant Office on the theme of “Communication for Sharing (Workplace Environment Improvement Starts with Communication).”
Special Lecture 1: Ms. Nozomi Nagamatsu, Chief Public Health Nurse
Special Lecture 2: Mr. Yoshiji Kato, Occupational Health and Safety Consultant
Reciting the 5 Principles of Safe Behavior
In July 2023, DORICO Co., Ltd. held the regular general meeting of “DORICO Association for the Protection of Safety and Health" and the “DORICO Safety Convention.” On the day, a safety lecture was given via a web conference system, safety awards were presented, and the results of the safety slogan vote were announced, followed by a safety declaration (safety pledge).
DORICO Co., Ltd. Safety Convention
Safety slogan adopted
Safety and health round by management
The President's Safety and Health Round, which covers all of our domestic factories, was held in June 2023 at the Tochigi Factory, followed by the Hiroshima, Aichi, and Nobeoka Factories in July. In particular, since last year, we have changed the name of our traditional safety patrols to “round” (a term meaning patrol derived from medical terminology), and we are now conducting safety and health rounds that emphasize communication.
In FY2023, we reported on the status of implementation at each factory and countermeasures and horizontal deployment related to recent accidents and disasters, with the theme of “creating a safe, secure, and comfortable workplace environment.” Furthermore, for this fiscal year, due to the participation of an industrial doctor and a public health nurse, who evaluated the safety and health of the workplace from the perspective of safety and health experts, it was a meaningful round that helped to improve safety awareness through discussion from new perspectives.
Scenery of Round (Tochigi)
Scenery of Round (Hiroshima)
Scenery of Round (Aichi)
Scenery of Round (Nobeoka)
Commitment to health maintenance and promotion
1)Health Management Promotion Project
We launched a health management promotion project in FY2023, and have been focusing on improving our organizational structure to protect the minds and bodies of our employees. As a result, in March we received certification as “Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization 2024” from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Conference.
2)Examples of commitment
Introduction of Health Point Program
Considering the health of employees as one of our management issues, and with the aim of “health management” and “investment in human capital,” we have been adopting the GUPPY health Point Program since September 2020.
The Health Point Program is a system that provides visual feedback and awareness by recording daily activities such as exercise (yoga, stretching, muscle training, etc.), number of steps taken, weight, hours of sleep, diet, and alcohol consumption.
We have set a target of 7,000 steps per person per month, and we are raising awareness of exercise by publishing monthly rankings of steps taken by individual, area, and department on an in-house bulletin board.

Health Point application
This year, we also participated in the Tokaido Gojutsugii Walk Rally hosted by GUPPY. This rally is a competition among company teams to see who can walk the most steps in a month, and once a certain number of steps have been reached, you can use the app to visit the inns along the Tokaido. By making various efforts like this, a culture of walking for health is definitely being fostered. As a result, communication about health-related topics has become more active, and a sense of unity is beginning to develop. We will continue with these measures and promote the creation of a healthy workplace in the future.
Inter-regional Walk Rally Competition
Mental health lecture meeting
We are committed to the mental health of our employees, and since 2012, we have been inviting Dr. Noboru Watanabe, the director of Akasaka Clinic and our company doctor, to give a lecture on mental health every year. The FY2023 lecture was held online in September. For this fiscal year, we were given an important speech on the relationship between hormones and mental health, and how this can lead to a healthy life. In addition, he has been writing a monthly column entitled “Mental Health Advice” for our company newsletter, +POWER, and has been working to improve the mental health of our employees since 2012.

Mental Health Lecture Webpage (WEB)
Health checkup
In December 2023, we conducted a health checkup by the Fukuoka Institute of Health and Welfare to raise awareness of employees for health. The checkup measures nine items: functional reach, seated stepping test, two-step test, standing on one leg with eyes open and closed, one-leg muscle strength measurement, body composition measurement, standing up test, vascular age measurement, and bone mineral density measurement. By comparing the result of each item with the national average, employees can check their current level and use the results for their future exercise, etc.
Scenery of Health Check-up Explaining the results of health checkup