The ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP has this guiding principle to ensure compliance: “In order to maintain our
business activities as a global company in countries throughout the world, we observe the laws and
customs of the country concerned, and are sincere and impartial in our transactions and conduct.” We
have established the ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP Code of Conduct to actively promote that guiding principle, and
we are taking care to put that code of conduct into practice.
- The ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP Code of Conduct
- Internal whistleblowing system
- External whistleblowing system
- Compliance with laws and ordinances
- Preventing corruption
1. The ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP Code of Conduct
This was completely revised in February 2018 in response to recent changes in what society expects of
corporate bodies. It deals with such topics as the global expansion of our group’s business activities,
respect for diversity, and the prevention of all forms of harassment. The ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP Code of
Conduct exemplifies our promise to society that we will continue to be worthy of its trust, and
indicates the global values we respect, and the expected conduct of each individual employee as we go
about our daily work.
(1) Value Creation and Social Contribution
Asahi Yukizai Group shall strive to realize the well-being for all stakeholders, such as customers and
shareholders as well as employees and entire society, by creating a new value to meet the needs of the
current trends, in harmony with society. In addition, we shall proactively make contribution to society.
(2) Compliance with Social Norms
As a responsible corporate member of society, the Asahi Yukizai Group shall not only comply with all
applicable laws and regulations, but also respect the culture and customs of each country and region in
which we conduct our business activities.
(3) Fair Trade Practives
Asahi Yukizai Group shall eliminate the pursuit of profits through improper or unfair means and engage
in fair trade in its
relationships with business partners and other companies in the same industry.
(4) Consideration for the Environment, Safety, and Health
Asahi Yukizai Group shall be strongly aware of its corporate responsibility to operate its business with
safety as the top priority and to preserve the global environment. We practice corporate activities
including product development, manufacturing, and post-disposal disposal.
(5) Respect for Human Rights and Building a Healthy Work Environment
Asahi Yukizai Group shall respect the human rights of all people in all of our corporate activities. We
shall also respect the personality and individuality of all employees working within the company, and
endeavor to create a healthy and rewarding work environment that
is free from harassment and unjustified discrimination.
(6) Ensuring of Management Transparency and approach to Risk Management
Asahi Yukizai Group shall communicate not only with shareholders but also with society at large and
shall disclose corporate information in a positive and appropriate manner. In addition, Asahi Yukizai
Group shall actively work on minimization of possible risks and on crisis measures in the event of an
(7) Proper Management of Company Property and Protection and Respect of Intellectual
Asahi Yukizai Group shall properly manage its tangible and intangible property, protect the value of
company property, and respect intellectual property owned by others.
(8) Protection and Management of Information
Asahi Yukizai Group shall ensure information security, as well as the protection of personal information
and proper document management.
2. Internal whistleblowing system
We have established a “corporate ethics hotline” so that any employee who discovers that violations of
laws and ordinances or company regulations are taking place, or that there is a risk of them taking
place, can directly contact staff in the company who are responsible for compliance, as well as an
outside lawyer, via this internal whistleblowing system to ask for advice or report their concerns. The
department in charge of compliance immediately investigates any such consultation or notification, and
takes steps to rectify the situation if it is found that a violation has taken place or that there is a
risk that it will.
3. External whistleblowing system
In order to improve the corporate ethics of our group as a whole, we have set up an external
whistleblowing contact desk on our website so that suppliers can consult and notify us if any violations
of laws and ordinances or corporate ethics are taking place, or if there is a risk of them taking place.
Any such consultation or notification is investigated and handled as in the internal whistleblowing
4. Compliance with laws and ordinances
(1) Compliance with competition laws
Our relationships with all our suppliers are always transparent and impartial, and our transactions
comply with the relevant laws and ordinances, such as the Japanese Act on Prohibition of Private
Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade and the competition laws of each country, in order to
ensure the soundness of our business activities. In our relationships with our competitors, we do not
engage in behavior that prevents fair and free competition, such as bid-rigging or cartels, and do not
behave in any way that would invite such suspicions.
These points are indicated in the ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP Code of Conduct, and we carry out in-house
training for employees involved in sales work in order to maintain this compliance.
(2) Compliance with export-related laws and ordinances
With the aim of maintaining international peace and security, based on our export control regulations,
we comply with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, and with the government ordinances,
ministerial ordinances, and directives etc. based on that law.
We check whether products to be exported by our group correspond to items listed as regulated cargo. We
carry out in-house procedures based on our export control regulations for products that require approval
for export, and acquire authorization from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
In addition, we have special general blanket permission, and we perform an audit of the departments
concerned each fiscal year and report the findings to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We
also hold regular in-house training for employees involved in exports, and participate actively in
events such as external seminars. We are extremely careful not to violate the Foreign Exchange and
Foreign Control Trade Law etc.
5. Preventing corruption
The ASAHI YUKIZAI GROUP Code of Conduct clearly indicates that employees shall firmly refuse hospitality
or gifts from suppliers or the like that exceed the bounds of social etiquette, that they shall not
bribe Diet members or managerial staff at public agencies, local governments, state-run enterprises or
the like, or bribe foreign officials in international commercial transactions, and that they shall not
offer hospitality or gifts with the aim of gaining an unfair business advantage. Our employees comply
with that code of conduct. In particular, we require employees involved in procurement to have a strong
sense of duty based on the standards for ethical behavior in procurement work.