Message from the President

Report on Consolidated Financial Results and Business Conditions for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2025

Report on Consolidated Financial Results and Business Conditions for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2025

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our shareholders for their continued support. Today, we have announced our consolidated financial results and overviews of each of our businesses for the third quarter of the consolidated accounting fiscal year ending March 2025. The following is a summary of results.

Kazuya Nakano

1. Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2025

  1. Business Environment in the Current Third Quarter
     During the current third quarter consolidated fiscal period, the domestic economy has been on a gradual recovery trend, and despite the solid investment appetite for capital investment, there were the revision of plans due to rising costs and delays in construction projects due to labor shortages. Meanwhile, although the US economy is showing a solid performance, the manufacturing industry is still in a period of adjustments in making capital investment.

  2. Consolidated Management Performance
     In this business climate, our Group has undertaken various measures based on our management policy of pursuing growth primarily in overseas markets and in the area of semiconductor-related products as we stated in GNT2025, our mid-term corporate management plan. However, the business climate that our Group faced was one where companies in Japan continued to be cautious about capital investment and the demand for semiconductor plant construction, which was high in the previous fiscal year, continues to fall below the previous year's level. In the United States, while activities in the water treatment and landfill areas remained strong, semiconductor-related activities were significantly affected by the revamping and postponement of factory constructions due to rising material prices and labor shortages. These factors led to a decrease in sales, and an increase in fixed costs such as labor costs and depreciation expenses led to a decrease in profits.
    Sales 63.17 billion yen YoY -2.92 billion yen (-4.4%)
    Operating profit   8.74 billion yen YoY -3.71 billion yen (-29.8%)
    Ordinary profit    8.97 billion yen YoY -3.78 billion yen (-29.6%)
    Net profit attributable to owners of parent    6.07 billion yen YoY -2.10 billion yen (-25.7%)

  3. 2. Summary of Business Activities by Business Segment

    1. Valve & Piping Systems Divisions

      <Thermoplastic valves, pipes, fittings, engineering business, etc.>
      ● Promote sales activities that contribute to benefiting our customers by developing products that solve corrosion resistance problems and pursue the functionality of plastic pipe materials.
        ・ In Japan, capital investment in our core products, such as thermoplastic valves, has shown the sign of gradual recovery due to the progress in the resolution of adjustments in distribution inventories in general, but the demand for semiconductor plant construction has lacked in strength.
        ・ In the United States, investment in semiconductor factory construction is being postponed to FY2025 or later, or reconsidered altogether, compared to the previous fiscal year when demand was at an extreme high.
        ・ As a result, sales decreased year on year.

        ・ The engineering business for applications that use thermoplastic piping materials, etc., performed well due to progresses made in semiconductor-related projects. However, sales decreased year on year as a counter rebound from the large projects of the previous fiscal year.

      <Dymatrix products for semiconductor manufacturing equipment>
      ● We continue to develop small precision valves to meet the increasing sophistication of semiconductor manufacturing processes, contributing to the advancement of semiconductors.
       ・ In South Korea, demand for generative AI-related products is growing, but we have yet to see a full recovery.
       ・ Demand for the semiconductor manufacturing equipment in China and Japan has recovered and remained strong, which has resulted in an increase in sales year on year.

        ・ Profits decreased due to a decrease in sales and increase in fixed costs such as labor costs, depreciation and repair cost.

      Sales 39.62 billion yen YoY -9.4%
      Operating profit   7.23 billion yen YoY -34.1%
      Operating profit ratio   18.3%
    2. Resin Divisions

      <Foundry materials products>
      ● In the manufacturing of casting products needed in automobiles, construction machinery, etc., we focus on serving our customers by proposing optimal products for a variety of different casting processes.
        ・ Along with implementing price revisions to address rising raw material prices, we also promoted proposal-based sales activities, such as proposals to switch to higher value added products. However, the impact of the type certification issue at automobile manufacturers continues to be felt, and domestic sales decreased year on year.
        ・ Overseas automobile production volumes grew over the previous fiscal year, and we proactively carried out proposal-based sales with our customers to address the increasing demand for even better quality. As a result, overseas sales was up year on year.

      <Foam material products>
      ● Since these are finalized as products after they are installed on-site, we provided customers with peace of mind and safety through our efforts to improve construction quality.
        ・ The volume of shipments decreased due to delays in housing and building construction in on-site thermal insulation foam materials and to delays in construction for some projects that had already been ordered in civil engineering materials for tunnel excavation.
        ・ As a result, sales decreased year on year.

      <Electronics materials>
      ● We continue to pursue low-metal technology for electronics materials, and contribute to the advancement of semiconductors.
        ・ In Japan, in addition to a recovery in demand for photoresist materials for legacy semiconductors such as sensors and power semiconductors, demand is also expanding for materials used in post-processing in the area of AI.
        ・ Demand in the areas of LCD, OLED and other flat panel displays (FPDs) is strong also in China.
        ・ As a result, sales grew year on year.

        ・ Profits decreased due to the impact of the large order received in the previous fiscal year by Rand Wick, an ASAHI YUKIZAI subsidiary that installs spray-applied thermal insulation materials, and the decrease of sales volume in the foundry materials products.

      Sales 17.00 billion yen YoY +1.5%
      Operating profit   0.93 billion yen YoY -24.9%
      Operating profit ratio   5.5%
    3. Water Treatment & Natural Resources Development Divisions

      <Water treatment business>
      ●We design and construct water treatment facilities, and water reclamation systems that make effective use of water resources.
        ・ Sales declined year on year, but orders for large-scale private construction projects government construction projects are progressing as planned.

      <Natural resources development business>
      ● We contribute to the effective use of resources in our steam well drilling for geothermal power generation, and hot springs development.
         ・ Geothermal drilling operations moved forward as planned, and sales grew year on year.

      <Maintenance and pharmaceutical business>
      ● We provide services and water treatment agents to ensure stable operation of facilities and equipment.
        ・ Profits were up year on year thanks to steady progress in multiple repair projects.
        ・ Sales in the environmental chemicals business decreased year on year due to a decline in product shipments.

        ・ P
      rofits were up year on year thanks to steady progress in facility construction and repair projects.

      Sales 6.55 billion yen YoY +16.3%
      Operating profit  0.45 billion yen YoY +62.1%
      Operating profit ratio 6.9%
        We will continue to focus on digitalizing our operations and developing human resources to ensure sustainable growth for our group, and strive to create added value.
        We would like to ask our shareholders to look forward to the continued growth of the ASAHI YUKIZAI Group and for your continued support and encouragement.


      January 31, 2025
      Kazuya Nakano