Commitment to security and disaster prevention activities

1)Basic policy on security and disaster prevention

 Our Group is striving to maintain stable operations and improve the level of security and disaster prevention management, and promoting security and disaster prevention activities to ensure the safety of our employees and local communities. 

In particular, under the philosophy of “human life come first,” we conduct emergency response training at all of our factories every year.

2)Examples of commitmen

Participation in the firefighting skills competition

 At the Aichi Factory, in October 2022, they participated in a firefighting skills competition organized by the Fire Prevention Division of the Niwa Wide-Area Fire Department, to raise the employees' awareness of disaster prevention. This competition is an event to improve disaster prevention awareness by competing on the time and accuracy of a series of actions, from reporting a fire to rescuing injured people, initial firefighting with fire extinguishers, and reporting on activities. An employee of our company came second in the women's category.

Scenery of firefighting skills competition (Aichi)
Fire Chief's Award (Aichi

 In addition, the Aichi and Tochigi factories, in November, and the Nobeoka Factory, in December 2023, conducted the evacuation and firefighting drills with the aim of training employees to respond in the event of an earthquake or factory fire.

Firefighting drill (Aichi)
Firefighting drill (Tochigi)
Evacuation drill (Nobeoka)
Firefighting drill (Nobeoka)

Shakeout drill

 In preparation for natural disasters such as earthquakes, we have installed an emergency earthquake warning system, and we regularly conduct “shakeout drills” in conjunction with emergency earthquake warning drills. 

This is a drill to learn the safety action 1-2-3 “First, protect your head and stay low, and don't move” in the event of an earthquake, and it is essential to be prepared for when the time comes. 

As in previous years, in October 2023 we responded to calls from government agencies such as the Fire and Disaster Management Agency and conducted drills at the Aichi, Tochigi, and Hiroshima Factories.