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Foundry Materials and Functional ResinsOctPass® High Performance Shell Molding Resins

Introducing the OctPass® High Performance Shell Molding Resins, achieving the eight casting characteristics required in the shell mold method


The OctPass® is a new type of shell molding resin that PASSes the eight (=OCT) characteristics requirements of high strength, high sand elimination, low tar generation, low expansion, high filling property, heat shock resistance and low odor level.

In two pairs of conflicting properties, specifically a combination of low expansion property and high collapsibility with low tar and high heat resistance properties and another combination of high strength with high sand elimination and filling properties, it exhibits both of the conflicting properties at high levels in each pair.


  • Resin


Achieving the eight mold characteristics required in the shell mold method

  • High strength
  • High sand elimination
  • Low heat expansion rate
  • High heat shock resistance (high collapsibility)
  • High heat resistance
  • High filling property
  • Low tar generation
  • Low odor generation

A new type of resin that passes eight requirements

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