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Foundry Materials and Functional ResinsResins for Printing

Introduction of resins for printing plates used mainly for PS printing plates, CTPs and other photosensitive solutions for printing.


We use its phenol resin synthesis technologies in order to produce resins for printing plates.
We perform very advanced molecular weight control for its resins for printing plates in order to produce many different kinds of resins that meet customer’s needs in high precision and in good reproducibility.


  • Flake or block


Mainly used for PS printing plates, CTPs and other photosensitive solutions for printing


  1. 1.Greatly advanced molecular weight control and high reproducibility:
    In resists, an alkali solution is used as the developer and the alkali dissolution rate (ADR) is very important. We have elucidated:
    1. (1)the relationship between the resin production method and the molecular weight, the ADR.
    2. (2)the relationship between difference in raw material composition and the molecular weight, the ADR.
      This allows us to produce appropriate products that satisfy customer’s needs.
      Our production equipment has adopted special improvements based on its expertise long nurtured in manufacturing so that it may perform resin production with very high reproducibility.
      Its reproducibility level is within several percent of deviation from the target ADR.

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